Tuesday, October 30, 2012

(#211) Quantitative Easing Explained

What the Federal Reserve is doing and how we got there

As posted on YouTube on 11/30/10

Film-maker uses computerized, monotone voices and anime-styled bears to explain the inexplicable: "The Ben Bernank's" rise to power and the Fed's collusion with Goldman Sachs to rob American taxpayers.

An earlier version of this clip previously appeared as The Profit Center's Blog #150 back in 11/17/10 right at the time QE2 was hatched.  I just came across it again and thought it was so spot-on that it deserved another airing to coincide with QE3.

Now, nearly two years since this clip was created, how is QE working for you?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

(#210) Is this the End of the Petro-Dollar?

China actively working to end it

As appeared on Ben Swann's "Reality Check" on 10/9/12


Note: the above YouTube link has subsequently been taken down.  The clip may now be viewed here:

Ben Swann explains what the "petro-dollar" is, it's importance to the U.S. Dollar retaining it's designation as the world's reserve currency, and how the national media isn't telling you that China is actively working to end it.

Ben Swann, is a television journalist with Fox19 in Cincinnati, Ohio and produces a fact-checking series entitled Reality Check.  He is the recipient of both an Edward R. Murrow Award and two Emmy Awards.

Monday, October 1, 2012

(#209) Inflation IS the Plan

a Bob Murphy double header

As posted to consultingbyRPM.com/blog on 9/19/12 and 9/25/12, respectively

QE3's Lack of Limits Spell the Death of the Dollar


QE3 . . . with no end date, no dollar amount cap - the potential negative impact on citizens' wealth and on the economy is immeasurable.

 Inflation IS the Plan


Dr. Murphy goes on to explain that price inflation IS the "plan", not a regrettable by-product of QE3. 

Robert P. Murphy, an Austrian School economist, is a senior fellow in business and economic studies at the Pacific Research Institute, and is an adjunct scholar and frequent speaker at the Ludwig von Mises Institute.  He writes a column for Townhall.com and has also written for LewRockwell.com.  He is an adjunct scholar at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy and an economist for the Institute for Energy Research.