Wednesday, April 24, 2013

(#225) Why Did Gold and Silver Collapse?

Mike Maloney and Chris Martenson Discuss

As posted on on 4/16/13

In a review of the reasons the gold and silver prices collapsed, Mike Maloney spoke with Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity.

Dr. Martenson is a scientist at his core. His Ph.D. is from Duke University, and his MBA in Finance was earned at Cornell. For Dr. Martenson, reaching conclusions simply results from the data, and when it comes to gold and silver, the data is shocking.

From the 4,500 tons of missing gold Eric Sprott pointed to in U.S. export figures, to the 300-ton German gold repatriation, the questions of who benefited from the plummeting prices and how are all answered in this informative video.

Chris Martenson, is a former American biochemical scientist and Vice President of Science Applications International Corporation.  Currently he is an author and trend forecaster interested in macro trends regarding the economy, energy composition and the environment at his site,

Michael Maloney, founder of is also the author of the world's best selling book on precious metals investing.  Since 2003 he has been advocating gold and silver as the ultimate means of protecting wealth from the games played by our governments and banking sector.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

(#224) Currency vs Money

Part 1 of Michael Maloney's new video series on money

As posted to on 2/26/13



Question: Do you know the difference between "currency" and "money"?

Imagine a picture of (1) Monopoly money, (2) a pile of U.S. Dollars, and (3) a U.S. Gold Coin.  If asked the Sesame Street question, "which of these is not like the others?", the answers are startling.  A group of Ivy League professors, responded "Well clearly the dollars are not like the others. Gold has no role as money and Monopoly money is junk." Alternatively, a group of 5 year olds responded, "Well the gold coin is not like the others.  The other two are just piles of paper and the gold coin is clearly something different."  The 5 year olds got it right . . . did you?

Answer: Currency is a derivative of money whereas gold and silver is money.

Join renowned worldwide educator Mike Maloney as he travels the globe revealing the truths about money that have been hidden from you in his six-part video series entitled, "Hidden Secrets of Money".

Learn how "currency" steals your two most valuable assets: your time and your freedom.

See how "currency" is not only bringing about the greatest economic crisis in history, but how it can be used to your advantage and turned in to your greatest opportunity.


Michael Maloney, founder of is also the author of the world's best selling book on precious metals investing.  Since 2003 he has been advocating gold and silver as the ultimate means of protecting wealth from the games played by our governments and banking sector.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

(#223) Dollar Sell Off Within 4 Months

Hyperinflation by the end of 2014 predicts John Williams

As posted to on 1/27/13



Anybody who thinks the U.S. is in a so-called recovery isn’t listening to economist John Williams.  He contends, “We haven’t had a recovery and we’re not about to have one, and it’s getting worse.”  Williams says it’s because, “The consumer is in very serious trouble. . . . the average guy is not making it.  His income is not keeping up with inflation.”

As far as Congress getting the budget and debt ceiling under control, Williams says, “Both sides are faced with devil’s choices.”  If Congress does not get its financial house in order by the new deadline in mid-May 2013, Williams contends, “It will be the end of the road . . . . they are not going to have another opportunity . . . they are pushing the limit as it is now.”

Williams says he expects, “. . . a negative reaction in the next 3 or 4 months to the dollar.” Williams adamantly continues to predict hyperinflation to the U.S. dollar by the end of 2014.  Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with John Williams of

Walter J. "John" Williams, is the founder of, a website that analyzes government economic and unemployment statistics based on methodologies used by previous United States administrations, from the pre-Clinton era to the time of the Great Depression.  Williams claims that using Depression-era methodology, for example, the U.S. unemployment rate would have been 16.5% in January 2009, more than double the announced rate of 6.7%.  Williams is an economic consultant with an economics BA and an MBA from Dartmouth College, New Hampshire. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

(#222) Significance of Germany's Gold Repatriation

If Central Banks don't trust each other, why should we?

As appeared on RT's "Keiser Report" on 1/19/13


In this episode, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the currency war masquerading as a "storage plan".  It is described as a shot across the bow of the world U.S. dollar reserve standard.  The world's largest bond fund manager, Mohamed El-Erian said in the Financial Times,

"This unusual and highly visible decision is sure to trigger an explosion of media commentary relating both to motivation and implications - especially since Germany joins Iran, Libya and Venezuela in making such a move."

We all know what happened to Libya and what is happening to Iran and Venezuela.

In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Doug Casey of about German gold and future war.

Timothy Maxwell "Max" Keiser, is an American broadcaster and film-maker.  He hosts Keiser Report, a financial program broadcast on RT.  Keiser also anchors On the Edge, a program of news and analysis hosted by Iran's Press TV.

Monday, January 28, 2013

(#221) So How Does the Global Financial Crisis End?'s Michael Maloney explains 

As appeared on RT's "Capital Account"on 1/22/12


The Road to Serfdom . . . RT's Capital Account w/ Lauren Lyster hosts Michael Maloney to discuss fiat money, sound money and debt-based currency systems in this program which originally aired 1/22/12.

Michael Maloney, founder of is also the author of the world's best selling book on precious metals investing.  Since 2003 he has been advocating gold and silver as the ultimate means of protecting wealth from the games played by our governments and banking sector.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

(#220) Why Everyone Should Have a Precious Metals Portfolio

GoldMoney Chairman James Turk outlines the reasons

As posted at on 12/11/12


James Turk outlines the stark fiscal facts about government debt problems across the developed world, and why central banks' determination to devalue the currencies they issue is causing a bull market in precious metals. He demonstrates why gold remains undervalued, despite the great gains seen in its price over the last 11 years, and a means of assessing whether or not the yellow metal is fairly valued or not. 
James argues that we are living in "fiat currency bubble", similar though many magnitudes greater than the recent housing bubbles seen in America, Ireland, Spain and other countries, or the "Tech bubble" in NASDAQ stocks in the late 1990s. The USA is racing towards hyperinflation, courtesy of the Federal Reserve's monetization of US government deficits.

James Turk has specialized in international banking, finance and investments since graduating in 1969 from George Washington University with a B.A. degree in International Economics. His business career began at Chase Manhattan Bank (now JPMorgan Chase & Co.), which included assignments in Thailand, the Philippines and Hong Kong. He subsequently joined the investment and trading company of a prominent precious metals trader based in Greenwich, Connecticut. He moved to the United Arab Emirates in December 1983 to be appointed Manager of the Commodity Department of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, a position he held until resigning in 1987. Thereafter he held various advisory roles in money management until founding GoldMoney, which was launched in 2001. He is a director of the GoldMoney Foundation.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

(#219) CPI Smoke and Mirrors Exposed

The CPI no longer accurately measures inflation

As posted on the Schiff Report You Tube Channel on 1/10/13


In this clip, Peter Schiff explains that the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics "Consumer Price Index" (CPI) is no longer a tool to accurately measure inflation, but rather an instrument of deception the government uses to hide accelerating inflation from the public and financial markets. Modest CPI increases over the past several years do not reflect an absence of inflation, but rather an intentional design flaw in the index that fails to fully capture the magnitude of price increases. Central bankers drawing economic conclusions regarding inflation and monetary policy based on this highly flawed data point are making a major policy error.

Example: Prices for the twenty items in our basket rose 44.3% during a ten-year period despite an official rise in the CPI of just 27.5% during the same time frame. But that is using official government numbers to evidence those price increases. However, judging by the inaccuracy of government numbers on other items, such as newspapers and health insurance, the actual rate of increase of the prices of the goods in our basket was likely much higher than what the government claimed!

Peter Schiff, is an American businessman, investment broker, author and financial commentator. Schiff is CEO and chief global strategist  of Euro Pacific Capital Inc., a broker-dealer based in Westport, Connecticut, and CEO of Euro Pacific Precious Metals, LLC, a gold and silver dealer based in New York City.