Wednesday, January 23, 2013

(#220) Why Everyone Should Have a Precious Metals Portfolio

GoldMoney Chairman James Turk outlines the reasons

As posted at on 12/11/12


James Turk outlines the stark fiscal facts about government debt problems across the developed world, and why central banks' determination to devalue the currencies they issue is causing a bull market in precious metals. He demonstrates why gold remains undervalued, despite the great gains seen in its price over the last 11 years, and a means of assessing whether or not the yellow metal is fairly valued or not. 
James argues that we are living in "fiat currency bubble", similar though many magnitudes greater than the recent housing bubbles seen in America, Ireland, Spain and other countries, or the "Tech bubble" in NASDAQ stocks in the late 1990s. The USA is racing towards hyperinflation, courtesy of the Federal Reserve's monetization of US government deficits.

James Turk has specialized in international banking, finance and investments since graduating in 1969 from George Washington University with a B.A. degree in International Economics. His business career began at Chase Manhattan Bank (now JPMorgan Chase & Co.), which included assignments in Thailand, the Philippines and Hong Kong. He subsequently joined the investment and trading company of a prominent precious metals trader based in Greenwich, Connecticut. He moved to the United Arab Emirates in December 1983 to be appointed Manager of the Commodity Department of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, a position he held until resigning in 1987. Thereafter he held various advisory roles in money management until founding GoldMoney, which was launched in 2001. He is a director of the GoldMoney Foundation.


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