Thursday, September 27, 2012

(#208) The Real Fiscal Cliff

How to spot the ledge

As posted to the Mises Institute Media You Tube Channel on 9/26/12


Archived from the live broadcast, this lecture delivered by Peter Schiff on the day after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke announced QE3, was presented at the Mises Circle in Manhattan: "Central Banking, Deposit Insurance, and Economic Decline." Includes an introduction by Lew Rockwell, founder of the Ludwig von Mises Institute.

Peter Schiff, is an American businessman, investment broker, author and financial commentator. Schiff is CEO and chief global strategist  of Euro Pacific Capital Inc., a broker-dealer based in Westport, Connecticut, and CEO of Euro Pacific Precious Metals, LLC, a gold and silver dealer based in New York City.

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