Part 1 of Michael Maloney's new video series on money
As posted to on 2/26/13
Question: Do you know the difference between "currency" and "money"?
a picture of (1) Monopoly money, (2) a pile of U.S. Dollars, and (3) a
U.S. Gold Coin. If asked the Sesame Street question, "which of these is
not like the others?", the answers are startling. A group of Ivy
League professors, responded "Well clearly the dollars are not like the
others. Gold has no role as money and Monopoly money is junk."
Alternatively, a group of 5 year olds responded, "Well the gold coin is
not like the others. The other two are just piles of paper and the gold
coin is clearly something different." The 5 year olds got it right . .
. did you?
Answer: Currency is a derivative of money whereas gold and silver is money.
Join renowned worldwide educator Mike Maloney as he travels the globe revealing the truths about money that have been hidden from you in his six-part video series entitled, "Hidden Secrets of Money".
Learn how "currency" steals your two most valuable assets: your time and your freedom.
how "currency" is not only bringing about the greatest economic crisis
in history, but how it can be used to your advantage and turned in to
your greatest opportunity.
Michael Maloney, founder of
is also the author of the world's best selling book on precious metals
investing. Since 2003 he has been advocating gold and silver as the
ultimate means of protecting wealth from the games played by our
governments and banking sector.